lunes, abril 18, 2005


Originally uploaded by lunameztli.
Esta pieza oxidada de hierro me recordo los tanques de la armada Americana que encontre en la Isla Culebra en Puerto Rico en el 2001. Las maquinas blindadas yacian abatidas por la intemperie, y semi destruidas por los proyectiles lanzados desde navios de guerra, en practica de tiro sobre el paradisiaco rincon. Por varios anos, Isla Culebra asi como Vieques, fueron invadidos y explotados junto con sus habitantes, con el fin de alojar una base militar Americana. Hoy en dia las bases fueron desmanteladas, pero quedaron plagadas de minas y cabezas de misiles no detonados, impidiendo caminar libremente por sus preciosos paisajes.

Composiciones Efimeras III

Composiciones Efimeras III
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.

Composiciones Efimeras II

Composiciones Efimeras II
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.

Composiciones Efimeras I

Composiciones Efimeras I
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.


Originally uploaded by lunameztli.


Originally uploaded by lunameztli.

jueves, abril 14, 2005

Night Shift by Bob Marley

The sun shall not smite I by day,
Nor the moon by night;
And everything that I do
Shall be upfull and right.
And if it's all night,
It got to be all right!
If it's all night,
Got to be all right!

Your mamma won't lose this one;
You're the lucky one under the sun.
If you make me move,
Then you know you got the groove:
All night, it's all right!
All night, yeah! It's all right!

Working on a forklift
In the night shift;
Working on a night shift,
With the forklift,
from A.M. (Did you say that? Why did you say that?)
to P.M. (Working all night!)
Working on a night shift, yeah!
(Did you say that? Why did you say that? Upfull and right!)
Well, if it's (all night!) - if it's (all right!)
all night (all night!) -

Warehouse (all right!),
You're empty, yeah!
Go around the corner,
Bring your goods!
Go around the other corner,
Bring your suitcases. (All night!)
By the sweat of my brow, (All right!)
Eat your bread! (All night!)
By the sweat of my brow, (All right!)
Eat your bread!

All night (all night)! All right (all right)!
All night (all night)! All right (all right)!
Oh, yeah! (moon by night)
Why did you say that? Oh, yeah! (Upfull and right!)
Working on a night shift
With the forklift. (Moon by night!)
Working on the night shift,
Oh, yeah! (Upfull and right!)

miércoles, abril 06, 2005

Rubber Glove Drums

Rubber Glove Drums
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.

Tubofono, Peterborough NH

Tubofono, Peterborough NH
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.
This structure was made as part of an artist in residence program that I offered in the summer of 2004. The pipes are perfectly tuned and ready to play. The sculpture was design by myself and the project was the brainchild of Lynn Compton, an art and music teacher and cultural promoter in western state.
It was left as my legacy to my dear New Hampshire and it's children, as a simbol of the universal language of music.

El Artista

Pequeño Artista
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.
Los talleres absorbian la atención de los pequeños artistas. El niño pinta un cilindro reciclado de cartón, para ser usado como cuerpo de un tambor de goma de guante reciclado. Con las distintas actividades los participantes aprendieron a rescatar recursos de deshecho para la trasnsformación en maquinas y objetos sonoros.

Mural Comunitario

Mural Comunitario
Originally uploaded by lunameztli.
Esta pieza fué resultado de una semana de trabajo grupal, representando culturas del mundo. Se utilizo papel reciclado como canvas, y fué finalmente instalado permanentemente en un pasillo de Londonderry Elementary School.

domingo, abril 03, 2005

Isabella Duende

Originally uploaded by lunameztli.